Is an ancient technique of traditional Chinese medicine, in which fine needles are used in order for direct the vital energy of the self body and restore health.
Inside the treatment is usually done using moxibustion, auriculotherapy, electroacupuncture.
90o visits 60 min.
Chinese phytotherapy
Phytotherapy is the most important therapy in Traditional Chinese Medicine, along with Acupuncture. More than 3,000 remedies have been selected for millennia in order to bring health to people. Specific plants are used to meet the needs of each patient. Each treatment is unique and tailored to the individual .
the vibration chromatic allows you to work the person's energy field i modify its frequency, thus returning to a state of well-being and balance. Don't mess with needles, therefore it is a technique apt for hypersensitive children and people on the needles. It is recommended to wear white underwear during the session.
Acu Chromotherapy
This technique combines several therapies into one, such as: Kinesiology, Acupuncture, Chromium Therapy, Chakra Rebalancing and others. It is a very complete therapy where we will unlock old energy patterns. We will combine one or the other according to the needs of the present moment.
Regular or sporadic visits.
Bach flowers
Through Kinesiology we will know which are the most recommended flowers for you.
Each flower helps to release a different pattern of behavior that conditions ours state of health.
Very useful in emotional and mental disorders.
Termite technique
It's a manual therapy combining several techniques such as Heat, Massage, Shiatsu, Acupuncture and Aroma Therapy. It is based on the application of heat to the whole body through a technique of friction, massage and pressure on different parts of the body and at various points of acupuncture.